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Affordable Appliance Repair in Moorestown, NJ

We know how frustrating it can be when one of your home’s major appliances breaks down. The good news is these appliances can often be fixed fast without breaking the bank. At Ease Appliance Repair offers affordable appliance repair for residents of Moorestown, NJ. We can fix your refrigerator, washer and dryer, stove or oven, dishwasher  and other major appliances. You can count on Dan the Appliance Man to visit your home, diagnose the problem, and get your appliances back up and running. Best of all, his expert repair services come at low prices. Dan loves helping residents in the Burlington and Camden county areas.

Moorsetown statue

Appliance Repair for Moorestown Residents

Dan the Appliance Man comes to your home, meaning there’s no need to try to strap your refrigerator onto the top of your car and bring it to us. He’s ready to drive to your home in Moorestown, NJ and Burlington County. Moorestown was named Money magazine’s #1 best place to live in America. Dan does his part by making sure all your appliances are working correctly. He will drive to your home to provide appliance repair in Moorestown or any surrounding communities such as Mount Laurel, Cherry Hill, Cinnaminson, Marlton, Medford, NJ, and more. Call us if you’re anywhere in the Burlington and Camden county areas to find out when Dan can make it to your home.

About Our Master Service Technician

If you need professional appliance repair, you can count on Dan the Appliance Man. He’ll drive to your home in Moorestown, NJ, and get the job done right the first time around. Our appliance repair company offers affordable and reliable appliance repair services. Dan has been in the appliance business for 40 years and is a Master Service Technician. He’ll start with an affordable diagnosis, and that fee will be waived if he repairs your appliance. Don’t waste money on a new appliance without finding out if it can be fixed by our expert.

Call Dan Directly for an Appointment
or Appliance Advice